Monday, September 6, 2010

4 doors away from the main entrance...

It’s been a while since I’ve posted but with things remaining static for so long I simply didn’t see any sense in just “flappin’ me gums”.
As we celebrate Labour Day 2010 and move from “Summer” to the more normal “Not Summer”  season in our humble village I believe  there are some things that have become Crystal Clear (pun intended).

The proposed “Crystal Beach Gateway Plan” IS a major topic of discussion for our Canadian friends & neighbors as they prepare to cast their votes in October’s municipal elections. While other MAJOR issues no doubt confront the electors, as well as the elected, the plan to allow private ownership & development of the publicly owned Crystal Beach Waterfront Park is of considerable conversation throughout ALL of Fort Erie and it’s politics.

A rather unclearly stated goal of the “Gateway Plan”, kicking down the door to allow private high rise development from Bay Beach to Pt. Abino, is NOT lost to those that understand the proposal whether one is for or against it.

Respectfully, as a fellow tax-payer and neighbor but one that is ineligible to vote here in Fort Erie, I ask the following…

Whether you are inclined to support the “Gateway Plan” or not, PLEASE, take the time to look over this plan, and it’s details, thoroughly.

Both my wife and I have and while we support and advocate development, especially here in Crystal Beach, frankly we don’t like what we see!

Happy Labour Day!!!
John McCarthy


  1. John, There are a lot of people who live in the CBTYC who support your position, I don't understand why you would attack them as well. The reality is they paid a ton of money for that beach, and continue to pay an incredible amount of taxes every year for the privilege of living there. They simply do not want to see what they have all ready paid a fortune for taken away. If the Town would figure out how to keep the idiots and scum off the beach no one would care about "Normal" people just walking the shoreline.
    Normal is as follows: You have no chains hanging from any part of your body or clothing. No more that 5% of your body is covered with tattoos, your conversation is not punctuated every 2 seconds with an "F" bomb, you are not wearing combat boots on the beach, you travel in groups of four or less, you are not carrying glass beer bottles that you later throw at the concrete pier.. Need I say more.
    -- The Captain --

  2. Good Morning Captain:
    Could you please explain how you conclude that I am “attacking” anyone with this post?
    I honestly do not see any relevance, what’s so ever, between your comment and what I wrote.
    Thank you,

  3. Captain:
    Perhaps you are confusing "The Gateway Plan" with "gated community" ?

    copy/paste link below into URL Address bar


  4. I don't care how many tons of money you have. In this country you have no right to determine footwear or tatoo percentages.


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