Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Words Of Wisdom

“We wouldn't be doing our jobs as a council if we didn't investigate all the possibilities that are out there" 

This is a quote from Fort Erie Councilor Martha Lockwood in a Niagara Falls Review article, dated July 25, 2008.
Yes, indeed, it is taken out of context but I refer to it as Words Of Wisdom …NOT as some sort of “cheap shot” against the Councilor.

The truth is, I completely agree with the statement , and in all honesty, believe Council is in fact, properly considering the OPTION that the Town Planning Department has recommended.

And that’s the problem. OPTION !
As in singular, only one, no more, nada.

Supposedly guided by a Neighborhood Plan, a Regional Plan, and a Provincial Plan , all packed with data, charts, RECOMMEDATIONS and what not, all based on studies performed by some of the best and brightest and paid for by taxpayers, our Town Planning Department comes up with ONE,  and only ONE option for the use of a publicly owned waterfront park…..

Come on ?  Honestly. That’s the best we can do?

What would make  it even more tragic is if there really was NO EFFORT made to look for real alternatives ?

Before anybody commits to ANYTHING I respectfully remind Council and Staff to heed Councilor Lockwood’s words.

PLEASE. Your comments are encouraged.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

To plan for the future, one must understand the past

While I’ve been “hammering away” at the members of the current administration, who  support the proposed “Molinaro Plan”, it dawned on me that my focus has been a bit too narrow.
I think we all can agree that the current state of The Bay Beach Property is unacceptable and it’s status has been allowed to remain in “Limbo” for far to long. We could argue “til the cows come home” as to why this is the case (and we probably will), but for now, I would like to point out some of the things that, I believe, allowed this “non-action” to perpetuate.

First and foremost.

When people like myself, whom are so passionate about seeing an open, green space, public park on the non-beach portion of the property, sit on their “best intentions” and wait for someone else to deliver what WE want to see happen on the site…..well we’re just asking for trouble!

After the 2005 Neighbourhood Study was adopted as “The Guide” for improvement/development at Bay Beach, many of us, myself included, gave slightly more than lip service to achieving anything of substance. The only exceptions that I can think of are when The Friends of Crystal Beach worked with the Town to obtain a grant that enabled some landscaping at the beach’s main entrance and of course when the “pay and display” parking was introduced.

I, like many, fell into a complacency based on something like “as long as there in no discussion in Council about Bay Beach then everything is just peachy”.

Wrong, Wrong, Wrong!

I could kick myself in the “best intentions” and I have NOBODY to blame but myself for being so stupid!

Having started this blog with the
It finally sunk in.

In my humble opinion, while folks like me walked around in “Lalaland”, others whom had a different vision for specific portions of the Bay Beach property, made plans to see it become a reality. Working diligently and with a great deal of patience, seeing no real effort from others, these folks sought out to find the “best available” to achieve what THEY saw as the best option for Fort Erie. While it included elements of the “ option most favoured by participants” in the Neighbourhood Plan, their plan also added a privately owned, 12 story condo (or two) to be “integrated” into the property.

As you read this a well developed plan exists and is currently being executed to achieve the above.

Speaking for myself, I have a new found respect for “The Pros”. While I was running around wearing a funny hat, helping out with silly community parades and such, THEY were doing what needed to be done to make SURE… “Their Focus was Our Future”.

Yeah, you have to give credit where credit is do.

Thanks for your comments,

Sunday, December 20, 2009

In response to Mr. Prestie’s letter in Saturday’s (12.19.2009) Fort Erie Time’s.

While you state “you try to understand”  those of us opposed to the Molinaro Plan for Bay Beach, you seem to do so with some rather negative and preconceived notions about your fellow residents. Proclaiming  we  “…could care less about progress…” nor share in the excitement about Crystal Beach’s future, seems to follow a standard “script” for those writing in support of the Bay Beach project.
According to you, our motivation is based in an effort “…to hurt Crystal Beach in it’s golden moment to move forward…”.
That is simply ridiculous.
Despite your insulting and baseless statements, about fellow residents in opposition to the project, you claim we are the one’s engaged in attacking people.
Frankly sir, that seems to be a contradiction.
I do agree with your assessment, in regards to our being motivated by fear, though it’s not the result of the miserable existence you suggest we all share.
What we fear is the transfer of a significant portion of a publicly owned, waterfront park  to a private developer.
Respectfully,  I suggest you reconsider your position that those of us choosing to express our view by posting a “yellow sign” in front of our homes are some kind of “lesser citizen”.
Need I remind you of the number of those signs?
Finally, I also share your hope that Council keeps it’s focus on a brighter future.
A future that is influenced not only by the requirements of the private sector, but by the wishes of the residents of Fort Erie.
John McCarthy
Crystal Beach

Friday, December 18, 2009

An unanswered question...Not

Back in July of '09 I submitted an op/ed to The Niagara Falls Review in which I suggested "you have to wonder how we wound up where we now stand"?
Since then, from my point of view, the answer to that question has become abundantly clear.
The transfer in ownership of publicly owned waterfront property, to private developers, has been the goal of certain public civil servants and elected officials for quite some time now, and we are currently witnessing the result of several years of "planning" towards that end.
Success in delivering the Bay Beach waterfront, to developers, would be the first step in transforming Abino Bay's shoreline from today's family owned "cottages" to developer owned "high density" residential/commercial "monoliths".
Back in May "09, at a presentation to the CBIA by Town Planner-Rino Mostacci, Mr. Mostacci unabashedly announced this very concept: "The Vision" as foreseen from his office.
Town Planners, as the title suggests, look at things from long range, and well, plan accordingly. (I know, hardly a revelation).
A troubling part of this whole affair is the fact that now, as in the past, the idea of giving up any of our publicly owned waterfront, is NOT supported by a vast majority of our community. That said, sensible development and improvement IS supported by everyone, but when one voices opposition to the current Molinaro plan, you're labeled "anti-development" and in some cases, unjustly accused of spreading misinformation and innuendo.
This current Council and Mayor have shown little, if any, leadership or inclination to improve Bay Beach in a manner consistent with the sprite of the September 12, 2005 Council Resolution

Now therefore be it resolved by the Municipal Council of the Town of Fort Erie that the Crystal Beach Neighbourhood Plan is hereby approved and shall be utilized to guide planning and development in the Crystal Beach Neighbourhood.

The Neighbourhood Plan clearly indicated that "The Vision" of participating residents was for an open, public park.

Instead, this administration, in my opinion, has opted on making the first step towards Mr. Mostacci's vision a reality. A vision never addressed in the Neighbourhood Plan, at our expense and clearly, by his design.

In my mind that leads to another question... Why?

Respectfully, I invite you to respond.
