Sunday, October 17, 2010

Looking back at the future

Reading Donn Esmonde's column this morning (link below) I couldn't help but think of just how much further along Crystal Beach could have been had all of us in the community dedicated our resources and efforts towards making Crystal Beach Public Waterfront Park what it should be?

Imagine if the Town of Fort Erie and the residents, whom have always been willing to "pitch in", had made a REAL commitment and found the funds to transform our "diamond in the rough" to it's obvious potential as opposed to looking for excuses to sell a public park to a private concern?

As a taxpaying resident I will confess that I "dropped the ball" just as much as anyone.
Guilty as charged !

That said, I wonder if any of our existing or former public office holders or Civil Servants, are willing to take any responsibility for getting us to where we are today...Divided  Dreading and  Disheartened !!!

Buffalo News Link


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