As reported by Doug Draper's in his article NiagaraAtLarge an international effort is under way to insure public access to our Great Lakes shoreline and
“to take back into public ownership waterfront properties along the Great Lakes as they become available to ensure public access for future generations.”
From the mouth of the St. Lawrence to the big lake they call "Gitchigumi" citizens and government leaders are joined in making great strides in maximizing these possibilities.
There is of course one place where that this is simply not the case. In fact, a majority of Fort Erie's elected officials, supported by Town Staff are in favour of allowing ownership of a substantial portion of an existing, public, waterfront park to be transferred to a private developer.
Somehow, proponents of the "Crystal Beach Gateway Project" are advocating that construction of a 12 story condo at the Bay Beach entrance is actually a step in "improving the beach experience" and, in time, will allow for increased public access as well as be a catalyst for more public ownership of waterfront lands.
Come on...whose kidding who?
When you look at how private ownership of waterfront has played out over the years, I'm reminded of an old saying...
"Someone is pissing in my ear and they're telling me it's raining"
Q tip anyone?