Sunday, June 27, 2010

"Bucking" the trend

As reported by Doug Draper's in his article NiagaraAtLarge an international effort is under way to insure public access to our Great Lakes shoreline and
“to take back into public ownership waterfront properties along the Great Lakes as they become available to ensure public access for future generations.”
From the mouth of the St. Lawrence to the big lake they call "Gitchigumi" citizens and government leaders are joined in making great strides in maximizing these possibilities.
There is of course one place where that this is simply not the case. In fact, a majority of Fort Erie's elected officials, supported by Town Staff are in favour of allowing ownership of a substantial portion of an existing, public, waterfront park to be transferred to a private developer.
Somehow, proponents of the "Crystal Beach Gateway Project" are advocating that construction of a 12 story condo at the Bay Beach entrance is actually a step in "improving the beach experience" and, in time, will allow for increased public access as well as be a catalyst for more public ownership of waterfront lands.

Come on...whose kidding who?

When you look at how private ownership of waterfront has played out over the years, I'm reminded of an old saying...

"Someone is pissing in my ear and they're telling me it's raining"

Q tip anyone?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Response to an abuse

Link to Buffalo News article by Margaret Sullivan: Buffalo News Editor
Without accountability... what is an opinion?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Fair enough

I received a “heads up” informing me that my reference to  “the majority of residents” in my June 8, 2010 post was being rightfully challenged. Here is the direct quote from me:

“What of their “due diligence” to the majority of residents that oppose this development?

In the absence of any official, scientific, independent survey, I am basing the “majority” conclusion on two things: 

1)     1)  Personal conversation with Fort Erie residents such as neighbours, beach patrons, fellow shoppers, folks sitting at the bar, business owners & employees, fellow property owners, officers & members of service groups, officers & members of youth sports organizations, Fire Fighters, Police Officers, Town employees, Fishermen, Tradesmen and others.
2)    2)   The number of presentations to Town Council in opposition to the plan as opposed to the number presenting in support of it.

Therefor it’s an opinion. Just as it is an opinion that a majority of residents support the plan.

So, if I may ?

Given the difference in opinion, might it not be helpful to ask voters, before we go any further, if they support the existing plan or not?


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Parachuting (golden) before the plane crash?

As long as taxpayers are ONLY footing up to $100,000 and it's OK with the rest of the guys...

Well then...SURE...what the heck...why not ?

I mean sometimes you budget things and sometimes you don't and it might be more or, then again, it might be less and well... you know, usually on "behalf of the process" towns just pay it but this will probably take longer so... you know we'll try our darnedest to cap our exposure by declaring a $100K deductible for our partner but...
well... I mean... it's kind of like... know...ahhh....... don't  ya ?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

From Toronto...a new paradigm

Click here to watch this video and

Listen to the words of the speakers!!!

Notice the sense of purpose, excitement and UNITY as Toronto realizes the importance of an open, public waterfront as the center piece of a community.
One can only wonder how they would weigh in on constructing a 12 story condo in the middle of an existing public park like Bay Beach.

When you look, objectively, at Marcy Woods, Pt. Abino Light House, Crystal Beach Tennis & Yacht Club you have to ask...How many times are we going to repeat the same mistakes?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

An interesting choice of a word

"A purchase and sale agreement between a developer and the Town of Fort Erie is being drafted, but will not be executed until after an as yet-to-be-scheduled OMB hearing and decision is made". 

And from todays Fort Erie Times we read

"Once executed by both the Town and the Molinaro Group, the agreement of purchase and sale is a binding legal agreement to transfer the ownership of the property. However, the completion of the transaction is conditional on three things taking place first. If the by-law for the land purchase agreement is amended after an appeal through the Ontario Municipal Board or any other legal setting, either party can terminate the agreement if not satisfied with the outcome. The transaction moving ahead will also be determined by whether or not the ministry of natural resources issues a permit pursuant to the endangered species act with conditions deemed acceptable by both parties by the end of 2012. The execution of the community benefit agreement also needs to take place before the land purchase agreement can move ahead." FE Times Link

So, in my opinion, nothing has changed.

I'm sure Councilors Lockwood, Whitfield, Annunziata and Shular, as well as Mayor Martin will speak of how this latest agreement was part of their “due diligence” in the deal making process with The Molinaro Group and I would have to say they would be correct.  
But therein lies the rub.
What of their “due diligence” to the majority of residents that oppose this development?
One answer might be…

That was “executed” months ago.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Closed Doors (Closed Minds?)

In regards to the proposed “Crystal Beach Gateway Plan” I wonder what exactly has Town Council and Staff gotten us into? Is it an intricate public/private partnership “business deal” or drawn out, unpopular, money draining legal quagmire?

Despite assurances of complete transparency and full public involvement during the decision making process we have before us a “special closed door session” of Town Council, scheduled June 7, with the expressed purpose of discussing a transfer of what is currently a publicly owned, waterfront park to a private developer. Keep in mind it was in two other previous “closed sessions” that the Molinaro Group was selected and the 12 story condo plan was ultimately favoured.
While for some this certainly seems to minimize the notion of transparency, with open and public consultation during the entire process, I for one, find it difficult to believe that Mayor Martin would renege on his word that a decision on any land transfer would be reached before a final outcome through OMB proceedings. Respectfully, I remind everyone of the following:

Town politicians have decided no more decisions on town-owned land at Bay Beach should be made pending the outcome of Ontario Municipal Board hearings which will help decide the fate of a condominium project slated to be built on the Crystal Beach waterfront”. (April 29,2010 NiagaraThisWeek)

And this direct quote from Mayor Doug Martin:

"A purchase and sale agreement between a developer and the Town of Fort Erie is being drafted, but will not be executed until after an as yet-to-be-scheduled OMB hearing and decision is made". (Niagara Falls Review Article# 1112869)

This brings me back to my opening questions and perhaps what really is the topic of Monday night’s meeting … the wisdom of a proposed project that lacks public support, is rift with controversy and is open to expensive legal challenges.
My two questions then really become one. Is this project the BEST option available?

John McCarthy


Thursday, June 3, 2010

On April 29, 2010 they said...

Council holds firm on lands at Bay Beach

No rezoning will be considered until after OMB decision rendered

Town politicians have decided no more decisions on town-owned land at Bay Beach should be made pending the outcome of Ontario Municipal Board hearings which will help decide the fate of a condominium project slated to be built on the Crystal Beach waterfront.

For Entire NiagaraThisWeek Article Click Here

And remember this NF Review piece 
Mayor Doug Martin is adamant the municipality will not transfer any public land at Bay Beach into private hands before an Ontario Municipal Board hearing.
"A purchase and sale agreement between a developer and the Town of Fort Erie is being drafted, but will not be executed until after an as yet-to-be-scheduled OMB hearing and decision is made", Martin told The Niagara Falls Review Friday.
Makes one wonder what happened ?